Rockabilly-Nats Pinup Competition


The Rockabilly-Nats Pinup Competition at Rare Spares Rockynats 05 is a competition where entrants of all genders, shapes, sizes, ages and walks of life can show off their individuality, personality and rockabilly style.  

Enter Now

What is Rockabilly Pin-Up?

Rockabilly style is the love child of rockabilly music and pinup fashion. Think 50s fashion with a little sex, love, and rock-n-roll thrown in.

Rockabilly style enthusiasts pushed the boundaries of fashion and experimented with edgy new looks. This funky blend of retro fashion and alternative culture produced a truly iconic fashion style.

Competition FAQS

When is the competition?

CQ Pinups Rockabillynats Pin Up Competition is on Sunday the 6th of April at 11am at the Showgrounds Precinct. Entrants Should arrive at the stage by 10:30am at the latest.

How do I enter?

Fill in the application with a pin up persona bio and 2-3 images attached in your personal rockabilly style. Finalists will be chosen from these applications by an expert panel of judges to determine our official entrants.

Enter Here

When will applications close?

Applications will close 15 March 2025 at 12am.

What is the age requirement?

The Rockabillynats Pin Up Competition on the main stage is strictly 18+

There will be other opportunities for younger participants in other events across the Rockynats weekend – for example, The Beginner Pin Up Parade at 2pm on Sunday April 6th.

I don’t have any experience doing pin up pageants – can I still enter?

Ummmm YES! Rockabillynats embraces entrants of all shapes, genders, sizes and experience levels to show off their individuality, personality and rockabilly style. There is a plethora of helpful information on the internet to help you build a pin up routine – or maybe book one of our workshops to build up your confidence!

If selected as a finalist, can I still participate in other events on the program – for example, the street parade or burnouts etc?

Absolutely, you can! There is a full itinerary on the Terms and Conditions which outlines all mandatory and suggested events across the weekend, as well as a full Rockynats schedule on their official website.

The only restriction is that finalists in the CQ Pinups Rockabillynats Pin Up Competition cannot also enter the Beginners Pin Up Parade.

If you're still unsure if your commitments clash with other events - just ask us!

I want to support the pageant from behind the scenes – how do I become a sponsor?

If you are a small business owner who would like to donate to our prize pool, or just a local supporter who wants to see community events thrive, send us an email at to get in contact with our event coordinators about how you can show your support! All sponsors will receive advertising on our Facebook page as well as across the weekend at the Rockynats event.

Where can I get more information?

This page has all of the details you need to enter the CQ Pinups Rockabillynats Pin Up Competition! View the Terms and Conditions which clearly outlines the entry requirements, itinerary and code of conduct responsibilities of entrants who are selected as finalists.

If this document doesn’t answer your questions, send us a message or email at


Looking to enter in 2025?

  • Start planning your outlfit/s. 
  • Check out this Youtube video for tips and tricks on pinup routines.
  • Follow CQ Pinups on Facebook for announcements.

Need more information?

For more information please email the Rockabilly-Nats Pinup Competition Organiser at